Published on November 14, 2004 By Lizzie Finkleberry In Misc
The drummer looked at me the other day. And then he winked. So I have nicknamed him Winky.
You know my dad dragged me to see The Eagles play last night. I didn't want to go. I wanted to watch Idol not go and listen to some 50 year old men play county/folk/rock music. But, as one of my good friends was taping Idol for me, I really didn't have a choice. Now I consider myself fairly cultured yet as I listened to, as I've been told, legends in the music industry play songs that mostly I didn't know, I realised that while I may think I know everything, my parents are closer to that goal (wisdom) than I shall be in 20 years. Yes I will say it. My parents know more than me. About everything. And with the danger of sounding like an only child, usually I view them more as a source of income and goods than a source of knowledge. You know, I may just start to listen to my mothers raves about fruit trees and Steeleye Span from now on...perhaps...
There has been a question on my mind lately. Are you born gay or bi, or is it something that is created?
Smile and drink well!

on Nov 15, 2004
When I was still in high school, a friend got free 6th row tickets to see Los Lobos and ZZ Top. The only thing I knew about Los Lobos was they did the music for the movie "La Bamba" and all I knew about ZZ Top were their beards. was an adventure in the closest town over 100,000 people (Fargo, North Dakota), so we went.

And you know what? We ended up sitting with a bunch of people in their 40's who ended up smoking pot the whole time and dancing around like maniacs. But...I can still put ZZ Top down on my list of bands I've seen. It's an experience...chalk it up to that, my dear.