The drummer looked at me the other day. And then he winked. So I have nicknamed him Winky.
You know my dad dragged me to see The Eagles play last night. I didn't want to go. I wanted to watch Idol not go and listen to some 50 year old men play county/folk/rock music. But, as one of my good friends was taping Idol for me, I really didn't have a choice. Now I consider myself fairly cultured yet as I listened to, as I've been told, legends in the music industry play songs that mostly I didn't know, I realised that while I may think I know everything, my parents are closer to that goal (wisdom) than I shall be in 20 years. Yes I will say it. My parents know more than me. About everything. And with the danger of sounding like an only child, usually I view them more as a source of income and goods than a source of knowledge. You know, I may just start to listen to my mothers raves about fruit trees and Steeleye Span from now on...perhaps...
There has been a question on my mind lately. Are you born gay or bi, or is it something that is created?
Smile and drink well!